Sampling✚: Building Brand Loyalty

Sampling✚™ by SheSpeaks
While the product sample is simple, today’s shopper is not. Brands are competing for a more diverse shopper across a more fragmented media landscape than ever before. And, driving sales is only part of the goal for most brands today as they increasingly favor brand awareness and loyalty to drive sustainable growth.
Sampling ✚™ is a combination of traditional product sampling, optimized influencer marketing, and content amplification that’s designed to drive sample fulfillment while also building trust and familiarity with brands and products to increase the potential for future sales.
The Benefits of Sampling✚
While traditional product sampling can be effective, it comes with a number of drawbacks. By leveraging the power of influencer marketing, Sampling+ takes traditional sampling to a whole new level by offering opportunities for targeting, brand engagement, product reviews and more.
The Sampling✚ Shopper Journey
Sampling+ programs meet shoppers where they already are, serving up engaging content that’s then targeted and boosted to relevant audiences who are open to product sampling. Finally, SheSpeaks Community members provide additional brand value that drives purchase.
Want to learn more?
Sampling+ can help you create product sampling programs that are more efficient and effective by leveraging the power of influencer marketing. Please fill out the form below to schedule a conversation on how Sampling+ can work for you.