COVID19 Concerns Normalize and Social Unrest [Wave 6]
SheSpeaks Coronavirus Survey Wave 6
Since the pandemic began, SheSpeaks has run multiple waves of surveys about the coronavirus and its impact on our community. Our latest coronavirus survey, Wave 6, tells us that women are starting to come to terms with the impact of the virus, but uncertainty about the future remains. As a supplement to the coronavirus survey, we also asked our members about the current social unrest sweeping the country.
[Prior Coronavirus Surveys: Waves 1&2, Wave 3, Wave 4, Wave 5]
- Wave 6 ran May 29-30, with 1,517 respondents
- The Social Unrest survey fielded on June 2, with 1,013 respondents
- Both surveys were run by SheSpeaks with members of the SheSpeaks community
Topline Results
Shoppers Have Come to Terms with the New Normal of Coronavirus: Shoppers are less Uncertain 51% (-26%), less Anxious (-44%), less Frustrated (-17%) and more Hopeful (+28%) vs. March 27th survey.
Social Unrest Is Top of Mind: 80% have talked to friends/family about the protests. 78% support peaceful protests but not violence & looting. ~50% of shoppers believe that companies should get involved and speak up about the issue.
As States Re-Open Shoppers Venture Out: Shoppers have ventured out since stay-at-home orders lifted in some states. 40% have been to a friends/family home, 22% have gone back to work, 17% have gone out to eat at a restaurant.
Good News for Food Brands: Shoppers have spent 62% more time cooking at home since the Coronavirus crisis began. Close to 50% of shoppers say that they will continue cooking at home as much as they are now. Just 11% say that they will eat out as soon as possible as they are tired of cooking at home.
Summer & Holiday Plans are Up In the Air: Just 20% of shoppers say they will take a vacation, another 23% are Not Sure Yet and 15% are planning a Staycation. 62% of parents are concerned that their children will be bored over the summer. While 53% of shoppers plan to get together with friends/family over the summer, more than 25% are “unsure”. 52% say they will get together over the end of year holidays, while 35% are still “unsure”.