COVID-19 Wave 9 Consumer Insights Report
September 3, 2020
SheSpeaks Coronavirus Survey Wave 9
In an effort to better understand how shoppers are reacting to the impact of the Coronavirus, SheSpeaks asked women in our community age 18+ across the US to share their thoughts and experiences related to sentiment, attitude and purchase behavior. This is the ninth survey in our series related to Consumer behavior since the country began to shut down in mid-March. SheSpeaks latest survey was fielded online on August 22-24, 2020 and 1,218 respondents completed the survey.
[Prior Coronavirus Surveys: Waves 1&2, Wave 3, Wave 4, Wave 5, Wave 6, Wave 7, Wave 8]
Topline Results
- Consumers Are Venturing Out: Shoppers have ventured out since stay-at-home orders lifted in some states. In the last two weeks 87% have been to a store in the, 77% have been to friend/family house and 73% have done take out at a restaurant.
- Holiday Plans are Up In the Air: While 43% of cosnumers plan to get together with friends/family for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa, 41% say they still don’t know whether they will get together with friends/family over the end of year holidays. Uncertainty is growing since our Wave 8 survey when 35% said they were Unsure of what they would do for the holidays.
- Uncertainty about U.S. Direction: 58% of consumers surveyed said that they did NOT think that the country was headed in the right direction and another 28% were unsure. Just 14% said they thought the U.S. was headed in the right direction.
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact us at